Alliant Individual Health Solutions: The friendly, knowledgeable licensed insurance agents at Alliant Individual Health Solutions (AIHS) can see if you or your dependents qualify for subsidies in the Affordable Care Act Marketplace, and they’ll search for plans that fit your needs and budget.
Alliant Medicare Solutions: Licensed agents will get to know employees' unique needs and concerns and provide them with clear, customized solutions for Medicare-related medical, dental, and prescription drug coverage.
Visit Alliant Medicare Solutions
Life Insurance MarketPlace: Where consumers can shop for final expense and burial plans that meet their financial needs and discuss those options with one of our licensed insurance agents who specialize in these plans.
Visit Life Insurance MarketPlace
Medicare MarketPlace®: Where financial, insurance and other professionals refer clients for trusted supplemental Medicare insurance plan assistance. That way, they can remain the clients’ go-to person for retirement advice and planning.
Medicare BackOffice®: Where financial, insurance and other professionals refer clients for trusted supplemental Medicare insurance plans and help, so they can remain the clients’ go-to person for retirement advice and planning.
Retirement Planning Center®: The definition of retirement is changing. Tell us what your retirement looks like, and we’ll design a plan to help get you there. Already retired or have a plan? Let us review your portfolio to help ensure you have the most suitable plans for you.
Visit Retirement Planning Center
Travel Insurance Center®: We take the time to learn about your unique travel insurance needs, so we can find suitable options for you. With Travel Insurance Center, you get the coverage and price you want and the customer service and travel expertise that helps you travel safe and feel protected.